Yearly Reading Challenges

This blog contains my book reviews for my yearly reading challenges. See all my reviews at

Monday, March 12, 2012

SOA Listening Challenge 2012

Montana Sky by Nora Roberts

SOA Listening Challenge 2012: Spread Your Listening
Contemporary 4/4
Narrated by Erika Leigh

Grade B-

Montana Sky is a solid romantic suspense novel with a decent balance of romance and suspense. The suspense plot was somewhat graphic and at times disturbing, but the author doesn't dwell on it too much or for too long. I can be pretty wimpy about graphic violence, and while there were unpleasant parts, they were over with fairly quickly.

The romance here is fairly typical for a Roberts' suspense novel. The suspense is probably the main focus, but the relationship isn't out of the spotlight too much. Or, in this case, one of the three romances always seemed to be in focus most of the time. The suspense is well-developed, with a few surprises thrown in.

As with most of Roberts' suspense novels, I thoroughly enjoyed learning about about the setting--here it's running a cattle ranch in Montana. The author always does a good job of making the setting feel like one of the main characters in her novels.

The narration by Erika Leigh was fine. Not great but it didn't put me off the book. I did find myself thinking how a really talented narration would have brought this book up a level in enjoyment. A dual narration would work especially well for this book because of the wide variety and large number of both male and female characters.

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