Yearly Reading Challenges

This blog contains my book reviews for my yearly reading challenges. See all my reviews at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

TBR Challenge 2012: Personal Challenge

Breakpoint by JoAnn Ross

3 /5 stars B-/C+

TBR Challenge 2012- Personal Challenge: Read books posted on my to-read list before 2011. <i>Breakpoint</i> was #1 on my to-read list, added October 1, 2009.

A solid romantic suspense book by a consistent author. <i>Breakpoint</i> was a fast, easy read with enjoyable characters and a decent mystery plot. However, there was nothing unique or surprising about the story or the characters.

The author had obviously done her research, but wasn't as adept at blending her knowledge smoothly into the story. Every pause to tell the reader what each word or acronym meant was disruptive, and for the most part unnecessary. The paragraphs detailing the structure and operation of the aircraft carrier, and other parts of military life, were interesting but broke the flow of the story. It would be much preferable to add this information in the form of a glossary of terms and a short afterword with the details.

Overall an enjoyable day of reading, but something I'm likely to forget quickly.

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