My rating: 3 of 5 stars
TBR Challenge 2011; General- this book was on my TBR list for almost 6 months then I removed it. I added it back when I was able to buy it at Border's close-out sale.
Proof by Seduction was very entertaining in parts, and somewhat tedious in others. I enjoyed the parts of the book dealing with Jenny and Gareth, but found those dealing with Ned to be somewhat boring. In fact, the one thing that really made this book was Gareth. Courtney Milan did an excellent job with his character, from the coldness at first to the way he slowly grows through the book. He is the best "awkward" hero I've encountered.
Since Ned wasn't my favorite character in this book, the second book, Trial by Desire which features him as the male lead, seems less appealing. However, since I own the book, I'll eventually read it.
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